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Enteral Feeding

Providing trained support workers and nurses for client’s requiring enteral feeding

A person on enteral feeds usually has a condition or injury that prevents eating a regular diet by mouth, but their Gastrointestinal tract is still able to function.

Enteral feeding can range from nasogastric tubes, PEG tubes, Nasojejunal Tubes and JEJ tubes. Clients may require these for swallowing difficulties, reflux, impaired weight gain. It may be top up or full nutrition required.

How we can help

Our carers are fully trained to administer medication, feeds and troubleshoot any issues.

Depending on the tube being used will depend on the treatment required during a blockage or dislodge or emergency.

Quality assurance

  • Superior Healthcare is regulated and rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission.
  • We work closely with specialist hospitals including the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and the Royal Brompton Hospital.
  • We employ a team of trained carers, support workers and registered nurses who are managed by our team of Lead Nurses.
  • Superior Healthcare has up to date safeguarding and whistleblowing policies and deliver training to all members of our team.