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Free Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Training

Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA)

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As a specialist provider, we understand the challenging and changing nature of the complex care sector and the importance of being able to access high quality training opportunities which promote outstanding, compassionate and safe care.

Our courses provide exciting opportunities for registered nurses, community carers, support workers, and healthcare assistants to advance their knowledge and skills.

PMVA Training

This 2 day course is designed for registered nurses, community carers, support workers & healthcare assistants working in the healthcare industry who are looking to enhance their  skills and knowledge in caring for a client with challenging behaviour.

Duration – 2 days

Learning Outcomes:

  • Health and safety, human rights, criminal law, and how these run along side company policy and procedures.
  • De-escalation techniques including types of communication/body language.
  • Practical sessions including different types of restraint low and high impact.
  • Non-pain compliant methods of restraint and how to deal appropriately to different scenarios and the importance of teamwork.
  • Breakaway techniques.
  • The importance of clear robust de-briefing and report writing.

Participants will explore vital topics, including communication skills, de-escalation techniques, and effective communication strategies. The course is tailored to provide attendees with the necessary tools for handling difficult situations and promoting person-centred care in health and social care settings.

Through engaging sessions and practical exercises, attendees will delve into various aspects of mental health and learn effective strategies for managing challenging behaviour. With a strong focus on personal safety and preventing physical interventions, participants will develop essential skills and knowledge to reduce risks and enhance client safety.

This course also includes PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) training, covering concepts such as restraint reduction and violence and aggression training. By the course’s end, participants will be equipped with the expertise needed to navigate complex healthcare scenarios while prioritising the well-being of both clients and caregivers.

Book your PMVA Training