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Free Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Training

Specialist Training Courses

Superior Healthcare provides an extensive specialist training course to all its care and nursing teams and external healthcare organisations.

High-Quality Training

As a complex care healthcare provider, we understand the challenging and changing nature of the healthcare sector and the importance of being able to access high-quality training opportunities which promote outstanding, compassionate and safe care.

All of our specialist courses are designed by experienced healthcare and clinical Learning and Development professionals and are mapped to the relevant standards, such as the Care Certificate or the National Occupational Standards for Health and Social Care and the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), and all have been CPD accredited.

Training is delivered in-house by our dedicated training team to ensure all care and nursing teams are equipped to provide excellence in care.

Health & Social Care Training

Autism and Learning Disabilities Awareness Course
Free Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Training
Medication Administration Training Course
Diabetes Awareness Training CPD Course

Clinical Skills Training

Diabetes Awareness Training CPD Course
Spinal Injury & Brain Injury Awareness CPD Course
Spinal Injury & Brain Injury Awareness CPD Course